Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Produce A Film, Video, Movie Based On Your Screenplay


I'm an award-winning producer, director, and screenwriter who can produce your screenplay. 

See my IMDb page here: and contact for film links.


The price is a general estimate for 3 to 7-page, 2-character, 1-location script with no VFX, gunfights, car chases etc. If you have a longer script or more characters/locations, those would be added extra. You can send me your script for free for an estimate and production plan.

To produce your screenplay, you need to purchase ALL 3 gigs plus the extra ($500) one at a time, starting with the basic gig.

Basic gig can be done in 2 milestones:

-- $100: polishing and budgeting your script, including rewriting the script to lower the budget where needed. 

-- $885: signing crew, including equipment, insurance

The film will be produced in Reno Nevada with talented actors (with IMDb pages) and a professional crew with top of the line equipment (RED helium 8K camera included, anamorphic lenses cost extra). 

At the end, you will get a professionally produced film or TV pilot. We will work together every step of the way to make your short film happen!


: : : : :

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