Sunday, February 2, 2020

A Psychic Clairvoyant Photograph Reading


WEEKENDS ONLY from Friday 12pm - Monday 12pm all gigs have a 3 day delivery (returning to normal delivery times on Monday - Friday)  to accommodate my busy external work schedule. 

Photo readings are a truly amazing way to find out more about yourself, others or even a message from someone passed. I have spent the past 30 years dedicated to my path with spirit and run a successful business and social media page in which thousands of clients have utilized my professional services.

Basic Gig - offer a one photo and 1 question reading

Standard Gig - offers a 3 individual photo readings (3 photos each with one question) or 3 questions on one photo (exclusive to Fiverr)

Premium Gig- offers a 5 photos and 5 question reading or 5 questions on 1 photo

My readings detailed and specific to your topic of choice - reading are delivered in PDF or MP3.

* A photograph can reveal a lot about a person or a situation. It does not need to be an up to date photo to be read. 

The best way to ask a question is to be specific about your interest or subject. Some people just want an overall indication of what is around. Some require something more in depth and specific. 



Great. Thank you.


I always come back and always satisfied. Thank you


Outstanding experience!


Thank you for the insight!


Exceptionally thorough, insightful and thought-provoking. Great communication and delivery. Thank you very much!

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